A new love or renewal at love. Libras are truthful, smart, energetic, generous, and balanced. It might also be a sign of potential loss or an unfair deal. If Justice appears reversed in a friendship reading, it might refer to a close friend hiding or twisting the truth and judging you. The horse's colour is white, which is a well-known symbol of spirituality, light, and purity. Regarding the immediate future, you may want to pat yourself on the back because Justice will finally reward you for all your work and troubles. Enjoying beautiful things. Distrust creates a feeling of insecurity. It means a new beginning with a lot of communication. This card in reading about a conflict means that you are in the right, and that youve posed a correct argument. If you are too hasty in making decisions, you may end up regretting them later on. Justice is all about weighing the pros and cons and finding the best realistic solution. The Justice card will often resemble a woman who is relatively close to the querent. Surrounding her are beautiful blossoming timber and inexperienced floral gardens. There is trouble in your mind, clouding your judgment and preventing you from making the right decisions. The clarity in thought that is required to dispense justice are symbolized by the rectangular at the crown she wears. Justice reversed in the advice position refers to unresolved issues of self-worth and overwhelming emotions. Its a good omen, like arriving at the peak of a long hike. It urges you to figure out the intentions and feelings of the person that you like or love. What does Justice mean in a relationship? Dishonesty, lies, and avoidance always undermine a love affair. Vekke Sind. Their equal partner. Someone who is, perhaps, a fighter for unjust matters and just doesn't have any time for the BS! It means that by exercising your intelligence, you would arrive at this conclusion by yourself, as it is quite obvious. However, in general, the Justice card can be interpreted as a sign that someone is ready for marriage or a serious relationship. Get the answers you need about your unique situation. Whatevers underlying this feeling imbalance, progress only comes through honest communication if injustices have been done then speaking openly is necessary to achieve true harmony once again. The Justice tarot card is a symbol of reality, fairness, and law. Ultimately, Justice with her double-edged sword reveals that theres no way to deface the truth and avoid the consequences of your deeds. You will learn more about them, and possibly discover ways to outsmart them. He is also wearing a yellow blouse published with the fiery salamander symbol. Justice reversed in the obstacle position can be interpreted as overwhelming guilt, a weakness to face the truth, and feeling unworthy. However, in reality, justice is not blind at all. On the flip side, if they sense any coldness coming from you then dont be surprised if their instinct is to take some time away remember that warm behavior can really go far! The Justice card is about getting what you deserve and making things right. They see you are accountable, they can rely on you, and they know that whatever you do, is for the best of the relationship. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. You are the only one who can give yourself what you deserve. It cannot, and it truly seems unfair. Justice would advise you to think for yourself, to feel worthy and balanced, and to plan your actions within the boundaries of reality. They see you as someone who will influence and transform them. If the Justice card appears in a reading, it is usually a sign that you need to be fair and impartial in your dealings with others. . Sometimes, he may even be fake about his confidence. In a healthy relationship, both partners will need to be willing to compromise. Its about taking action after youve learned all that you can, but not before its too late. Stress, failure, impatience, and seeking the unattainable are sabotaging your efforts for serenity. She seems to be upset, irritating and fearful. You may also need to take a closer look at a legal matter that is currently pending. Basically, they cannot trust you. Fire is a dominate factor within the Knight of Wands' symbolism. If you are asking about how someone sees you, and you draw Justice reversed, that means this person sees you as someone who is unfair. After the rapid changes brought on by the karmic Wheel of Fortune and preceding the altruistic sacrifice of the Hanged Man, Lady Justice arrives at number 11 to balance things out. They find themselves thinking about you a lot and are aware of the fact that this isn't just fun and games for them anymore at this point. But 10 of cups says that everything is whole and good. Perhaps both sides have their valid points, but, after all, the scales will favor one side, not both. Ask unlimited questions. Consider the opinions of those around you, especially if they care a lot, but dont be swayed by them. The horse is known to represent one's drive, energy, and power. All in all, no matter how determined a person is, if they refuse to acknowledge the truth and put themselves in the others shoes, then they are dishonest and cannot be reasoned with. When Justice is drawn reversed for a conflict, you can be sure that the truth has been twisted and obscured. The Page of Cups and Justice as a tarot card combination indicates someone would love to confess their feelings towards you. The Justice card is often depicted as a woman wearing a blindfold, holding a set of scales in her hand. For relationships and feelings, Justice reveals the cyclical and karmic nature of love and life. Then would that openess as "what you see is what you get" be the Strength card? In reverse, Justice becomes ill intentions and vain ambition. This has been a problem throughout history, and it is still a problem today. They know that the way you treat them reflects the way you feel about them. They might have taken advantage of you, disrespected and failed you, or they simply do not care, and they are indifferent or afraid of your reaction. There is no right or wrong answer to this question. On one hand, it can be seen as a form of justice when the tables have turned and the person who was originally the victim is now the perpetrator. Two remaining swords are erected into the ground. But most of all, it is about wanting to do the right thing and to work for everyones well-being. Or can justice be in reverse? The qualities of a reversed Justice card describe a strict individual who thinks they have the right to meddle in others affairs and demand their respect and obedience. The Justice card reversed means that you are feeling out of balance by letting go of joy and descending to the negative realm. The Justice tarot card is often associated with the law, legal matters, and fairness. They both share the scales as their symbol. In reverse, Justice suggests that either you or your friends have been wronged. He has a smile on his face, which looks more like a smirk. If youre wondering about a persons intentions towards you, Justice will often mean they want an honest relationship where youre both equals. Some other ways to interpret Justice in reverse would be striking an unfair deal, being in debt and gaining money through devious methods. Both partners need to feel like they are being treated equitably. Here we see the same lady in that we saw earlier inside the Eight of Swords - and perhaps, she was subsequently launched, however haunted via the nightmares of the suffering she endured even as she became left and deserted. The answer would be they feel betrayed by you, you don't have their back, you are not committed to them, and they may feel alone and lonely in the relationship. All rights reserved. He appears to be ready for battle, except he is maintaining a massive wand as opposed to a sword. The Justice Tarot card indicates fair decisions, balance in thought and action, perfection, truth, and legal affairs. But the rabbit at the lowest cautions us that we should be careful of where we leap when we're chasing that achievement. They appreciate these qualities about you. Justice can signify a place related to the law and government, namely courthouses, police stations, town halls, or a lawyers office. The Justice archetype is all about fair resolutions. For more complicated issues, theres sometimes the chance that new information may change the outcome, so think and wait a while before deciding. What you desire will remain out of reach for at least a little while, but dont lose heart just yet. In reverse, the Justice card may indicate that the person of interest thinks youre stern, inflexible, dishonest, and demanding. Find the clarity to acknowledge your mistakes and learn your lesson. If you have erred or wronged someone, admit your mistake. If the querent is feeling like they havent been treated fairly in a past relationship, Justice can suggest that they take action to correct the situation. When reversed, Justice will signify an unbalanced person, someone who is cold, demanding, and arrogant. Your point of view is biased, and therefore you may not have the best interests of everyone at heart. It is important, nonetheless, to remember that the perpetrators are oftentimes as traumatized as the victims. - Ace is always good in relationship. The Justice Tarot card identifies with the Air zodiac sign of Libra. It can also mean that someone sees you as very kind and caring. Dont be hasty in your decisions; like the High Priestess, Justice resolves struggles through understanding and patience. Justice and Ace of Pentacles and Five of Pentacles, Justice and Ace of Pentacles and Ten of Pentacles. If you pull Justice for how someone sees you, it indicates that they see you as someone fair, strong, and ethical. In a clumsy search for completion, you lean to an extreme instead of finding your equilibrium in the center. If people want to involve social justice while deciding on their investments, that is their choice, but everyone should not be compelled to base their financial decision on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) factors, Sen. James Lankford said on Newsmax Wednesday. With her scales, Justice weighs in on the truth of a situation, ensuring equal balance. What does the Justice Tarot Card Reversed mean in Love? The card might show up when youre thinking about what is the right thing to say or do. However, Justice acknowledges and respects emotions, and sympathizes with the unfortunate. Or perhaps the Sun, where everything is out in the open. The card is fundamentally about doing the right thing and being fair, first of all, to yourself. When we say that we get what we deserve, it applies to negativity as well. They want to see more of how you handle cases and in them after. This card will represent a cold mother, a presumptuous friend, or an immature and stressful lover. In any case, you have to be mindful of how your work affects your personal life. Friendship is a very serious matter for Justice, and she will quickly try to resolve any conflict for better or for worse. The Justice tarot card can also indicate that you are working through or have dealt with some karmic issues. This may have its root in past experiences. For existing relationships, Justice means that they see you as someone who has their heart on their sleeve. I just don't get the warm, cozy, inviting vibes from Justice. Vekke Sind, Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! Instead, our actions (causes) lead to consequences (effects), which in turn lead to happiness or suffering. Whereas the card in its upright position is mostly about preventing wrongdoing and resolving conflicts in a fair and beneficial way, when reversed its a sign that a lot of damage has already been done, whether this concerns a relationship, social status, or legal affairs. They believe its an active process rather than something that just happens. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. However, in most cases, it can be interpreted as a sign that marriage or a serious relationship is coming soon. This likely happens to people who have received unfair treatment in their lives and have suffered from other peoples short-sighted choices. The Justice card represents a dear friend who respects and admires you. Become fully conscious of your choices and their consequences. Although you may face difficult moments in life, know that by doing the right thing, you will be rewarded in the long run. For example, if someone is assaulted, and then they go on to assault someone else, they would be seen as having justice in reverse. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether they believe justice is in reverse or not. This is a time when you should seek out justice, both in your personal life and in the world around you. Your relationship is unbalanced and there are many things that are throwing your partner off. Both partners need to feel like they are being treated equally and with respect. Your behavior may be erratic, conservative, and self-centered. The purple veil between the pillars symbolizes wisdom based on structure; her red dress, passion. What does Justice Reversed mean in Friendship? If theyre looking for signs of wrongdoing on the part of their partner, they may be missing out on the good things that are happening in the relationship. McMillan is an Occupy Wall Street activist who was arrested in 2012. 5 of Swords as ROMANTIC feelings - HELP please! This law is based on the principle of cause and effect. Perhaps a bit too conditional in their affection, though the conditions would be reasonable and high-minded. For example, if someone is already in a relationship, the Justice card could mean that the couple is ready to take the next step and get married. Sometimes efforts to overanalyze everything are of little to no avail. Justice weighs feelings before allowing them to develop. They want to follow in your footsteps as a leader. Justice sits in her chair, holding balanced scales in one hand and a sword in the other. This is a state of affairs where something just feels wrong. Youve earned your keep, but remember to be generous, reasonable, and honest. But an experience like this is enough to make you realize that all your debts to the Universe have been paid. Your method of resolving problems may be clumsy or inconsiderate towards others, and you will have to face the consequences just like everyone else. Perhaps no-nonsense. Vekke Sind, Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! She will signify an important person in the seekers life, someone who has major influence over them. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, Justice is a sign that they see you as someone they need to further analyze. The time to decide is now, but do not take sides yet do not judge in haste. As an icon, Lady Justice has been around as a personification of equity and fairness since antiquity. The fish in his necklace represents his creativity and spirit, which prospers on the calm waters that surround him. One of the most important aspects of justice in a relationship is communication. Justice can represent a strict mother figure who expects of her children to blindly obey her will at the expense of their freedom of choice. After the new cycle of the Wheel of Fortune and just before the eerie halt and letting go of the Hanged Man, Justice arrives at a place where there is nothing left to add or subtract. Justice describes a virtuous and compassionate woman. If you feel you have been wronged, perhaps its time to speak your mind and demand an explanation. Her ethical duty is to reveal the truth, aid those who have been wronged, and punish the guilty. As she sits in her chair, the scales in her left hand represent how intuition must balance logic. Be mindful of your words and actions, because they wont think twice if they see a red flag. For career matters, Justice urges you to find a balance between your work and your personal life. Your exs time with you was an important and transformative experience, one that offered treasured memories and valuable life lessons. Thus, Justice is the force that allows you to stop the wheel of karma, meaning that if you learn her subtle lesson, your mind will be free from the toils of suffering and the illusion of good luck. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. It can stand for karma, for example, or for making things right. What does the Justice Tarot Card mean in Friendship? It may also represent business centers and bureaucratic agencies. Besides the immediate representatives and instruments of the government, it may also resemble agencies and social services that are concerned with the well-being of citizens and the bureaucratic system. Whats the difference between the Major and Minor Arcana. This could mean anything from talking to the other person about the issues that have been bothering them to getting a lawyer to help them get what they feel theyre owed. I would think 'what you see is what you get' would be The Fool card, if we were picking a Major Arcana. Justice upright is a great card to receive. Shes independent, serious, and lives by her own rules. Do so with honesty, try to make amends, and save what you can. They love and appreciate you for your nurturing energy. With the sword. You can shoot me if you want ", "This is wrong", etc. Justice indicates balance, honesty, and mutual benefit in friendships. When emotions overwhelm a sensitive person, they can turn to a cold, passive-aggressive behavior to hide their weakness. Strength is one of the best cards to receive when asking how a person sees you . Quite often they may not know what they want or stick to a pointless endeavor only to impose their ego. If you stand by the truth, equity, and fairness, you can never be wrong. Andrew Tate is clearly one of those. Be open with each other to make sure that both parties are being treated fairly it could be whats best for this budding romance. Showing love and empathy is essential to build trust, while unfairness or disrespect can create resentment whats needed now more than ever before is compromise and understanding. This is not about harm, crime, or hiding, but rather about choosing a course of action that will help you avoid unnecessary complications and dodge any inconvenience that might result in failure and delay. If you are asking about an exs intentions, Justice reversed shows that they see you as a partner who they feel bitter towards. However, she wont engage in pointless flattery or say what you want to hear; the truth is what matters most to her. It might mean one of you is becoming more generous than the other or resentments are lurking beneath broken promises; sometimes there may even be secrets being kept from each other. Ive recently started working with an online psychic reading company and Ive received some great feedback. Ask yourself honestly what is really going on so both parties can begin working together towards restoring harmony within the partnership. You can blame whoever or whatever you want and nothing will change, you will only find a scapegoat. Should you look closely, you will see two snakes emerging from her green mantle, implying that even Justice can be fooled by lies, discord, and deceit. Privacy Policy. This is because he was rich and powerful, while Brown was poor and powerless. The Justice card foresees a long term balance and a peace of mind that will help you progress and solve your problems. However, when they make a decision, it is final and it will feel like a verdict. As you achieve your goals one step at a time and start to see a realistic path leading to your dreams, you shall discover whats truly important in life. Unfortunately in such cases, there can be little you can do without two-way commitment and understanding. It is important to remember and care for the less fortunate when fate smiles upon you. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees you. Justice will offer redemption to the guilty, but a second chance is not always guaranteed. Try to solve any issues related to self-esteem, guilt, and contempt by finding the reasons behind them. Page Of Cups And 8 Of Wands As Feelings Alternatively, if someone is single, the Justice card could be a sign that they are ready to start looking for a serious relationship. Need intuitive advice but wary of getting scammed? However, is justice always black and white? Theres something off with your relationship dynamic. Whats keeping you from realizing your dreams? By being compassionate and empathetic, you will invite positivity and love into your life. Justice is associated with legal professions, court officials, lawyers, accountants, and stockbrokers. It typically means that you have done something to create harmony and are now being rewarded accordingly. The hurt of the past should not affect your desire for a new start, only help you realize what you have to avoid. They may twist the truth to their advantage, and ask for the obedience of others with disregard for their opinion. Your actions may have been reprehensible, nave, or immoral, and you will have to face the consequences. Merging the qualities of "Page" and the qualities of the "Cups Suit," the Page of Cups card would represent: Being emotional. If youve been putting out positive vibes and treating them with kindness and respect, thatll be reflected through their thoughts of you in kind. Are you giving too much and not getting enough back in return? If you fail to do so, there may be complications in your relationships and your life in general. Ace of Swords. It depends on my mood. Sociopathic predators who see others as pawns and chattel exist and will never change. There was a lot of evidence that showed that Brown was innocent and that the police officer had killed him unjustly. Envy is feeling pain at someone's well-deserved good fortune. This card reversed means that you made a mistake, a conscious choice that was morally wrong, and now you face an important choice: will you hide the truth in hope that no one finds out, or will you try to make things right and face the music? If you are asking about how someone sees you, and you draw Justice, that means this person sees you as some kind of mirror. Wearing your heart on your sleeve. Its not the time for life-changing decisions, and others may judge you for speaking your mind due to inconsistencies in your thoughts and actions. Trust your wisdom and your knowledge, and take a stand for what you believe in. Ultimately, whether or not the Justice card means marriage depends on the specific situation. If the querent is feeling like they havent been treated fairly in a past relationship, Justice can help them to take steps to correct the situation. Id love to hear about your experience. Give yourself a present every now and then as a reward for your efforts. After attaining clarity and balance, Justice applies the lessons learned to reality. Unlike the Knight of Wands or the Knight of Swords, this specific one isn t charging along with his horse. With Justice reversed in the outcome position there may be some disappointment, delay, and complications. There is, however, a chance to compromise for a win-win situation, but that is the exception and not the rule. Arguing about it will possibly yield no results. If your question would be how someone sees you or feels about you, the Ace of Wands is quite an attractive card to pull. In the upright position, the Justice card is a definite Yes. Maybe they feel taken for granted or by contrast maybe theres too much pressure on them. This card urges you to lower unrealistic standards and think about the reasons why youve been single. The Justice Tarot Card in a Career Reading, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed in a Career Reading. magician clarified by death as what someone thinks of you. Justice is often seen as a system that is blind, meaning that it is fair to everyone regardless of who they are. Our expert Tarot readers are here to help. In a relationship, Justice brings balance. Nine swords are hanging on her wall, and a carving that depicts a person defeated by another may be located in her bed. People struggle with their choices every day, in career or romance or lifestyle, picking and choosing, and they miss the point entirely, lacking the foresight or resolve to face the consequences of their actions. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the Justice card can mean different things for different people. It also has a timer so that I doesnt run dry. Justice as How Someone Sees You (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meaning By Justice is the card of fairness, truth, and law. But what does this mean exactly? - Justice to mean that they see you as rational minded, fair, and detached, someone seeking for constant balance and . The Justice Tarot Card as How Someone Thinks of You, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as How Someone Thinks of You, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as Feelings, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as a Situation, The Justice Tarot Card as Intentions / What Someone Wants, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as Intentions / What Someone Wants, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as a Place, The Justice Tarot Card as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as Action, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as Advice, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as an Outcome, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as the Future, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as a Person. They value kindness, so rewarding those qualities in your interactions will definitely help you build positive karma with them. It can be interpreted in a lot of different ways, but at its heart, the meaning of Justice is about fairness. Aristotle described 'poetic justice' as being "pain felt at either good or bad fortune if undeserved, or to joy felt at them if deserved". Justice is often seen as a black and white concept you either have justice, or you dont. Justice is also about compromise. Justice then serves as a warning. The concept of karma is complex and can be interpreted in various ways. That creates a sense of admiration and respect in others. No one else knows whats best for you. The beauty of Justice is not only skin-deep; she has a beautiful mind and a rich soul. Justice And The Empress As Feelings When Justice and the Empress are pulled alongside each other in a reading, it often indicates that someone feels very protective of you. They can appear ruthless in their quest to achieve their ends and will even intentionally hurt others feelings to prove a point, and to make them feel like they do. They feel like you're one of the people who cannot be approached easily. However, Justice also has no tolerance for dishonesty or manipulation, sooner or later its consequences become unavoidable. It almost always boils down to the simple proverb: you cant have your cake and eat it, too! It could be a lack of experience and clarity on your part that creates this impression. Consequently, this card will often lead to a building related to legal affairs and the upholding of the law. This might be a case of biased opinions and erroneous arguments. Behind her, there may be a purple cloak and status gray pillars. It suggests that your behavior in the past has affected the situation that youre currently in. Think of it as the score being settled once and for all. When youve got more than enough, practice generosity every chance you get. Judgement Tarot Card as how someone sees you!