Lexi found Stefan, now back to his ripper ways in April 1922 before getting him off human blood around 1935. He also suggests that Damon is also having fun with emotionless Elena right now in New York and Stefan responds that his brother knows what he's doing. In the meantime Damon comes back home with Rebekah and gets a text from his little brother, asking for help. Damon says "What, I'm gone a couple months, you think it's ok to waste a perfectly good bottle of bourbon." As they return to Elena's home Stefan realizes that someone is bleeding upstairs. On the Grill, Stefan and Damon are drinking, Stefan tells Damon that him without Elena is making miserable and that he must deal with his problems, on that moment Caroline arrives and Stefan tells him that she wants to help, Damon is surprised because he knows that Caroline hates him and in the end Damon tell to them that he don't need their help, so Stefan decides that they must better try with Elena again. It's all part of humanity-filled Stefan's plan to help return Caroline's humanity. Stefan plans to make Caroline's life fall apart when her emotions returns because she's an embarrassment to humanity-free vampires everywhere. However, not too long afterwards he began to display remorse for the horrible person he at some point seemed to be, openly calling himself a monster and admitting that he even scared himself once he nearly killed a innocent girl while thinking he could handle it. After Klaus made the offer that the Salvatores would keep away from Elena, Stefan disagrees, causing Klaus to overpower him and burn his hand in the chimney while Damon and Elijah go away. She states that she doesn't understand why is he so concerned on whom does she feed or who she kills. Stefan tells her that he would have wanted a child. In The Murder of One, Stefan and Damon make a plan with Elena, Matt and Caroline to kill the Originals. Later, the brothers are in the cellar and Stefan is shown to have bled Damon out because he didn't have vervain and needed to find a way to weaken him. Later, Stefan is seen at the hospital looking for Liam. In Yellow Ledbetter, Stefan is surprised to see his Ivy still at his house in the morning, cooking breakfast. Elena confesses that while she loves Stefan for helping her through her transition, she can't deny her relationship with Damon has intensified since she became a vampire. Stefan catches her right on the moment which she is about to hit the ground. Valerie reveals that Lily was the one that gave Kai the idea to put Elena under the sleeping spell. Stefan is the only known vampire that seems to be able to live completely off of an animal blood diet. Katherine responds that maybe they don't know her at all and have no idea who she really is. Stefan adds that Caroline shouldn't hesitate and snap Elena's neck the moment she sees her. Elena realizes that Stefan letting himself get beat up was part of his system. So, unless you're gonna stake me, why don't you get the hell out of my house. She hands him the herbs and tells him not to worry because Shane won't be back any time soon, she has made sure of that. Do you still have feelings for her?" Stefan still refuses to leave without his brother, same goes for Elena when she joins them, but Bonnie grabs her, forcing her through. el_in_the6ix 2 yr. ago After some conferring, they expect the Travelers will be coming for Stefan and Elena today to break the witches' curse so they can settle in Mystic Falls. Stefan proposes Elena in an alternate life. Later, Stefan arrives with Jeremy at the Lockwood mansion and incapacitates Chris with a stake. He says that Jeremy's body is starting to decompose and that they should get Meredith over here too. Later, Stefan halts Elena from going after Rebekah with the white oak stake. During his human years in the 1860s, Stefan's sense of style was "Victorian" and old-fashioned. Elena finally agrees to skip the rest of the school day and have fun, and leaves to go home and change. Bonnie tagged along to keep Damon in check. They take a ride on Stefan's motorcycle on a deserted country road; Elena stands up on the bike and laughs, reveling in the sensation, and Stefan smiles. Stefan visits Bonnie to ask her about the bullets. Damon is unimpressed by his brother's behavior, most importantly the way he is feeding off of girls in the house. Trying to end the excruciating pain, Colin repeatedly stabs himself with a metal rod. Him and Damon worry after Bonnie shows up with news of Alaric and it is revealed that Elena is missing. He was in the car with his sister Elena. Once Caroline has taken the bullet out of Tyler, Stefan tells Elena that he is going to find Damon. Flashbacks show that Stefan felt extreme guilt for the death of Lillian. Valerie promised to meet him Friday at noon so they could run away together. The car lunges backward a few feet, but Luke stands behind the car, with his hand outstretched as well. Stefan is the first of the two brothers to embrace his nature and accidentally killed his father, later purposely killing the barmaid, Alice, and forcing Damon to change to feed in order to complete his transition. Stefan is very quick, intelligent and has an excellent memory. Caroline points out that Elena must know that the younger Gilbert is not going to wake up. Stefan finally lets go of his anger and comforts her before he asks her to go somewhere with him. Stefan's personality was able to emerge more fully into itself without all of his guilt weighing him down, prompting to show sides of himself he would have had if he had never killed so many people as the Ripper or turned Damon into a vampire. Stefan can be very wise and comforting to others and people can always depend on Stefan. After Katherine's "death", Damon swore to make Stefan's life miserable and ultimately succeeded in 1912 by making him lose control of himself fifty years later. Stefan tells Jesse that he can smell the blood and he wants to drink it. He played her and said that he doesn't need her help and it was time for him to pay her for six months of her. Damon offers help and Stefan pushes him away as he says "I don't need your help." But he shouldn't get her wrong-he's standing there and he looks good and she remember their sex and it was good sex but she just doesn't feel anything about it anymore. Stefan admits he's hurt that Elena has not been truthful with him, and Elena defends herself by saying that she didn't want to ruin Stefan's good mood. Stefan grew up in the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. When the bottom is full, she dabs her index fingers into the bowl and puts her finger tips on Stefan's forehead, all the Travelers chant in unison and Stefan screams out in pain. She turns around, adjusts her shirt to show more cleavage, flips her hair, before she turns back around, throwing her jacket over her shoulder They she sticks her thumb up. He says Stefan will never stop caring about his family, but the blood makes it easier to let go. He sensed Rebekah's panic when she responded cryptically "He's here," but before he could find anything out, Nik compelled Stefan to forget about him and Rebekah. Damon walks up, saying "Well he already has a brothernot to be, you know, territorial or anything." It doesn't work. He tells her she's the last person who should be giving him advice on coping mechanisms. He was often very tender, loving and gentle towards Elena but he was also extremely passionate about her. In American Gothic, Stefan and Damon manage to track Damon's car that Elena and Rebekah stole from New York. Stefan wants him to compel Ivy to pull it together and go live a normal life somewhere without him. After the talk with his brother Stefan manages to find the third spot with Bonnie and the witches. She writes a note to her daughter Nadia. Stefan Salvatore's Important Relationships. Being a doppelgnger, Stefan's blood is used for a spell by the Travelers in order to resurrect their leader, Markos. After this experience, Stefan appeared to come to terms with his problems more firmly. He holds Joshua against the wall before getting struck by his magic making them fall to the floor in pain. Then Caroline adds that Elena can't stay like this forever. The Original sister doesn't want to tell them where Elena is so they turn to Katherine. He can see that something is troubling Jeremy and after talking with him, he finds out that Bonnie might die if she uses too much power to kill Klaus. He asks her how they met and Elena leads him to school to relive the moment. They start to talk about Elena and Damon relationship, and what they have to do with Markos, Stefan tell Damon that he will get Elena home safely but Damon want them both safe. Unfortunately, Klaus then used compulsion one last time and ordered Stefan to turn his emotions off. And seeing as Elena is valuable for them, they are in the process of using Wes' resources to find a cure for her virus, she also says that them have to find something, Stefan ask what do they need and Sloan say another one of him. He was often seen wearing darker colors such as black, grey and dark blue, although sometimes he wears lighter colors. She flashes back to the day she became a vampire, when Matt's truck fell into the river under Wickery Bridge, Stefan suddenly cowers in pain. After that Stefan watches the cheer leading competition where Elena plays with Caroline and lets her fall on the ground on purpose. On the dark side, Stefan can be incredibly self loathing, self-destructive, addictive, guilt ridden, martyring, unpredictable, melancholic, self-righteous, naive, secretive and judgmental. Klaus then says that he agrees but even if it was Silas who stole it he doesn't see how this affects him. When he notice Damon has been waiting for the day they had a fight because Stefan made him turn. Elijah wants to talk with his sister but Stefan says that she's not with him and that everything will be ok as long as Katherine hands over the cure. Instead of striking her, the front end of the car completely smashes in on itself, just as it would in a car crash, Maria dies on the act. After being picked up by the Traveler that freed them, the trio head back to Mystic Falls in her car, Maria tells them that It was too risky to haul them out of there for herself, so she had to circle back. After allying together to kill Rayna Cruz and by saving Bonnie's life, Caroline realizes that she only truly loves Stefan and the two get back together again, three years after ending their first relationship. Then, she's convinced that she sees an age spot on her hand, and Stefan tells her it isn't one and holds her hand. His attitude is much like that as when Damon first arrived in Mystic Falls in the season one premiere. They younger Salvatore responds that sex wasn't good because they didn't care, it was good because she was crazy and crazy sex is always good. He start talking about Damon and says that he finally had everything he wanted, that he was happy and that he should be there, he is sad because Damon and Lexi are gone for good, Stefan puts his head in between his legs and starts to cry, Caroline wraps her arms around him without saying a word. Stefan's name is a variation of the masculine name Stephen. Later on, they plan to run away together, but Julian wouldn't allow her leave with Stefan. After saying their final goodbyes Stefan finds peace and had a joyful reunion with Lexi. They get back to the Gilbert house and see Caroline cleaning the floor from the burn mark where Kol died. 1. Stefan sacrificed himself before Bonnie was able to break the sleeping spell bound to their lives, though before he found peace, he was able to briefly see her and pass a message along to Caroline through her. Satisfied with Elena's reasons, Stefan reminds her to be careful, as it's easy to get caught up in the feed. In I Carry Your Heart With Me, Damon brings Oscar's desiccated body to Stefan to try to come up with a plan to deal with it, but Stefan tells Damon that he wants no part in it and that it's Damon's problem, not his. When a human gets ravenously hungry, they eat a double cheeseburger but they kill people and that's just who they are. Stefan loves literature and loves to write, especially in his journal. Caroline suddenly stands after talking about Tyler's hybrid friends being un-sired, and after talking to through with Stefan, he realizes that Elena is sired to Damon. Damon initially refused, but Stefan would not relent, saying he couldn't let him die. After Damon realizes Alaric is dead, it is revealed that Stefan ran out of time to save Elena and that she has died. Once the bomb detonates, Stefan calls his mother telling her that her family are no more. He gets angry at Damon saying, "What did you do to me?" Stefan seems very comforted and relieved to be with Elena in that moment. They both talk , mainly about what death means to each one of them and how it affects them. Stefan tells him that it's not a good time. After that Caroline and Stefan talk in the kitchen and Caroline asks how long has Elena been like this. Following this, Stefan moved away from Mystic Falls and had tried to start over and move on from the loss, pain and tragedy.