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Returns whether the operation was successful. Most of the methods listed below are SugarCube extensions, with the rest being either JavaScript natives or bundled library methods that are listed here for their utilitythough, this is not an exhaustive list. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. Returns the current moment from the full in-play history (past + future), which is the pre-play version of the active moment. Note: String: The expression yields a string valuee.g.. The value(s) within each case are compared to the result of the expression given to the parent <>. Returns whether the UI bar is currently hidden. See <> for more information. The story title is not included in updates because SugarCube uses it as the basis for the key used to store and load data used when playing the story and for saves. Returns a new array consisting of the flattened source array. Displays the loading screen, if necessary. Does not modify the original. Returns whether, at least, the track's metadata has been loaded. Used to replace SugarCube's default UI. Expressions are simply units of code that yield values when evaluated. Donate Release Notes for v2 SugarCube v2.36.1 ( 2021-12-21) Fixed an issue with the build system that was producing subtly broken builds. The core menu item for the Settings dialog. Function templates should return a string, which may itself contain markup. If you want to undo previous moments within the history, rather than return to a passage, see the <> macro. Dialog events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during the opening and closing of dialogs. Tip: The story history is a collection of moments. A set of opening and closing tagsi.e., defines the verbatim HTML markup. Sets the story's display title in the browser's titlebar and the UI bar (element ID: story-title). Deprecated: Warning: Tip: There are three forms: a conditional-only form, a 3-part conditional form, and a range form. Registers the passage as a video passage. Returns a reference to the Dialog object for chaining. You will also need to specify a .link-visited style that defines the properties visited links should have. Warning: If you simply need a passage link that modifies variables, both the link markup and image markup offer setter variants. Deprecated: The active passage's tags will be added to its data-tags attribute (see: Passage Conversions). Collects tracks, which must be set up via <>, into a group via its <> children. The directory and .py file names within the archive available for download are already properly matchedas sugarcube-2 and sugarcube-2.pyand to avoid issues it recommended that you simply do not rename them. Used to populate the contents of the Share dialog. Gets or sets the master volume level (default: 1). Passage, tag, and variable names that have special meaning to SugarCube. Global event triggered once just before the dismissal of the loading screen at startup. Returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. The typed text has no default styling. Note: Those that want an expression are fairly straightforward, as you simply supply an expression. Normally, this is exactly what you want to happen. Determines whether the UI bar (sidebar) starts in the stowed (shut) state initially. In Harlowe, the same operation will yield an error: You must convert the values to the same type in Harlowe. See Also: Twine 2: User Input in SugarCube Twine 2: Using Images in SugarCube Twine 2: Using Functions as Macros in Snowman Twine 2: Creating a Dungeon Crawler Part 1 Twine 2: Creating a Dungeon Crawler Part 2 Twine 2: Creating a Dating Sim Twine 2: Re-creating Candy Box Twine 2: Inventory Systems Twine 2: Murder Hill House Mystery Part 1 Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and appends its contents to its link text when clicked. If you need to check for multiple passages, the hasVisited() story function will likely be more convenient to use. Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track from the specified volume level to 0 (silent) over the specified number of seconds. Note: When using Twine1/Twee, it is strongly recommended that you use only a single stylesheet tagged passage. StoryMenu, etc. Many of the commonly used native non-generic object types are already fully compatible with and supported for use within story variablese.g., Array, Date, Map, and Set. To delete a watch, click the button next to its name in the watch panel. Harlowe's arrays, datamaps, and datasets are functionally similar to JavaScript Arrays, Maps, and Sets, but with a few key differences. Note: The :not() group modifier syntax (groupId:not(trackIdList)) allows a group to have some of its tracks excluded from selection. A new moment is created whenever passage navigation occurs, and only when passage navigation occurs. Returns a timestamp representing the last time Engine.play() was called. Views make their associated code visible, thus providing onscreen feedbackthey may also be hovered over which, generally, exposes additional information about the underlying code. Data stored there won't take up space in the game history, but will be accessible both from Twine and . This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Does not affect script or stylesheet tagged passages, for Twine1/Twee, or the Story JavaScript or Story Stylesheet sections, for Twine2. Renders and displays the active (present) moment's associated passage without adding a new moment to the history. Determines whether certain elements within the UI bar are updated when passages are displayed. In SugarCube you can convert them if you need to. A range definition object should have some of the following properties: Note: Gets or sets the track's repeating playback state (default: false). SugarCube does not trim whitespace from the contents of <>/<> macros, so that authors don't have to resort to various kludges to get whitespace where they want it. Most interactive elementse.g., passage links, interactive macros, etc.cannot be properly copied via <>. Causes leading/trailing newlines to be removed and all remaining sequences of newlines to be replaced with single spaces before the passage is rendered. The seed is automatically included within saves and sessions, so this is not especially useful outside of debugging purposes. The parser instance that generated the macro call. Prepares the dialog for use and returns a reference to its content area. The links go to the most recent release versions of each in SugarCube's source code repository. Passage start. Returns whether the passage with the given title occurred within the story history. It is further strongly suggested that you provide that same custom user namespace when removing them. See the Config.loadDelay configuration setting. The story metadata store is not, and should not be used as, a replacement for saves. Registers the passage as <> macro definitions, which are loaded during startup. Does not modify the original. This function is finicky, however. Fullscreen requests must be initiated by the player, generally via click/touchi.e., the request must be made as a result of player interaction; e.g., activating a button/link/etc whose code makes the request. Does not modify the original. Starts playback of the track and fades it from the specified volume level to 0 (silent) over the specified number of seconds. Widget arguments array (only inside widgets). See the forget() function for its replacement. Returns whether the UI bar is currently stowed. Sets the selected tracks' volume level (default: 1). June 2017 in Help! SugarCube 1.x - The legacy version . Returns a random member from the array or array-like object. Creates a text input box, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name, optionally forwarding the player to another passage. Essentially, a combination of <> and <>. Valid values are boolean true, which simply causes the autosave to be loaded, the string "prompt", which prompts the player via a dialog to load the autosave, or a function, which causes the autosave to be loaded if its return value is truthy. LoadScreen API. Divides the current value on the left-hand side of the operator by the value on the right-hand side and assigns the remainder to the left-hand side. See Story API for more information. Sets the selected tracks' repeating playback state (default: false). If you're simply looking to download ready-to-use localizations, see SugarCube's website (under Downloads > Localizations). Prepends one or more unique members to the beginning of the base array and returns its new length. The _args special variable is used internally to store arguments passed to the widgetas zero-based indices; i.e., _args[0] is the first parsed argument, _args[1] is the second, etcand the full argument string in raw and parsed formsaccessed via the _args.raw and _args.full properties. Returns the save object from the autosave or null, if there was no autosave. This is not an exhaustive list. Stops playback of the track and forces it to drop any existing data. Repeatedly executes its contents. For example, if you wanted to ask the user to enter a name, your code may look like this in Harlowe: In SugarCube, you would likely want to use the <> macro instead, and pass $name in as the receiving variable: Harlowe's newer input macros, like (dropdown:) and (cycling-link:) use "bound" variables, which are similar in concept to SugarCube's receiver variables. See Tweego's documentation for more information. A prototype-less generic object whose properties and values are defined by the Setting.addToggle(), Setting.addList(), and Setting.addRange() methods. In the above example, if you save the story after reaching the passage called another passage, the $var variable will be saved in the state as 1, as you would expect. In SugarCube, they come in two types: story variables and temporary variables. In my version of Twine, the dialog box looks like this: In this dialog box, select the SugarCube alternative with the latest version number (SugarCube 2.x.x, the higher the numbers the better). The extension relies on a workspace (or a folder) being open. Sets the story's title. I've done it like this: $z= [ [1,2,3], [1,2,1], [4,4,0]] and it doesn't generate an error. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. Warning: Each event is represented by an object that has properties that may be used to get additional information about what happened. For accessibility reasons, it's recommended that you wrap each <> and its accompanying text within a