Best Canine Dna Tests In March 2025


Buy the Best Canine Dna Tests for your needs. Choose from the Best Canine Dna Tests on the market. Pick the one that satisfies your need.

To help you in your search, we have completed this list of the Best Canine Dna Tests.

Top Rated Best Canine Dna Tests Of 2025

Rank Product Name Score
Embark | Dog DNA Test | Breed & Health Kit | Breed Identification
Embark | Dog DNA Test | Breed & Health Kit | Breed Identification
Wisdom Panel 3.0 Canine DNA Test - Dog DNA Test Kit for Breed
Wisdom Panel 3.0 Canine DNA Test - Dog DNA Test Kit for Breed
Wisdom Panel Health Canine DNA Test - Dog DNA Test Kit for Breed
Wisdom Panel Health Canine DNA Test - Dog DNA Test Kit for Breed
Dna My Dog - Canine Breed Identification Test Kit - at-Home Cheek Swab
Dna My Dog - Canine Breed Identification Test Kit - at-Home Cheek Swab
Wisdom Panel Essential – Dog DNA Test for Ancestry, Traits, and Medical Complications
Wisdom Panel Essential – Dog DNA Test for Ancestry, Traits, and Medical Complications
Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel Dog DNA Test Kit - Canine Breed Identification
Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel Dog DNA Test Kit - Canine Breed Identification
Dog DNA - Canine Breed Identification Test - Home Cheek Swab Kit
Dog DNA - Canine Breed Identification Test - Home Cheek Swab Kit
Embark | Dog DNA Test | Breed Identification Kit
Embark | Dog DNA Test | Breed Identification Kit
5Strands | Household Pet Food Ingredient Intolerance Test Kit | Dog & Cat
5Strands | Household Pet Food Ingredient Intolerance Test Kit | Dog & Cat
Hybrid Test -Wolf or Coyote Test Plus Canine DNA Breed Identification Test
Hybrid Test -Wolf or Coyote Test Plus Canine DNA Breed Identification Test

1. Embark | Dog DNA Test | Breed & Health Kit | Breed Identification

9.7/10 our score

  • Fast, trusted results: built by experts, only embark is partnered with cornell university college of veterinary medicine and is trusted by veterinary hospitals. results generally between 1-3 weeks.
  • Breed identification: embark screens for over 350 dog breeds, types, and varieties. using a research-grade genotyping platform developed in partnership with cornell university college of veterinary medicine, embark offers the most accurate breed breakdown on the market.
  • Health screening: embark tests for 175+ genetic diseases including mdr1 drug sensitivity, glaucoma, degenerative myelopathy, and dilated cardiomyopathy, some of the most common adult-onset diseases in dogs. keep your dog healthier & happier, longer.
  • Highest rated: embark's breed + health dna test is the highest rated dog dna test on
  • Discover your dogs relatives: find and connect with other dogs that share dna with yours, including distant and close relatives. only embark will give you a percentage of shared dna between your dog and others that have been tested with embark.

2. Wisdom Panel 3.0 Canine DNA Test - Dog DNA Test Kit for Breed

9.5/10 our score

  • Three simple steps: simply collect your dog's dna with a cheek swab, activate your kit online & send your kit to the lab with pre-paid shipping. you'll receive our genetic analysis of your dog's ancestry & breed identification in as little as 2 weeks.
  • Dog dna breed ancestry testing kit: with a simple cheek swab you can do at home, the wisdom panel test analyzes for more than 350 breeds, types, & varieties. some customers may receive kits with older packaging that still refers to 250+ breeds, rest assured that your test will be automatically upgraded to the current 350+ breeds, types, and varieties analysis.
  • Discover more about your dog: dna analysis unlocks a brand new world of dna-based insights that may help you understand your dog's unique appearance, behaviors, and wellness needs.
  • Best in show: as the leading canine genetics company weve tested the dna of more than 1.5 million dogs & developed the largest & most comprehensive breed database in the world, with a sophisticated algorithm and a very strategically placed set of markers.
  • Benefits of dna analysis: genetic testing can help you identify breeds & specific health issues that may be important to the wellbeing of your dog. work with your veterinarian & use your results to develop training, nutrition & long-term healthcare plans.

3. Wisdom Panel Health Canine DNA Test - Dog DNA Test Kit for Breed

9.1/10 our score

  • Three simple steps: simply collect your dogs dna with a cheek swab, activate your kit online & send your kit to the lab with pre-paid shipping. youll receive our genetic analysis of your dogs ancestry & breed identification in as little as 2 weeks.
  • Best in show: wisdom health is the worlds leading dna test for dogs. with screening for 150+ genetic health conditions as well as 350+ breeds, types and varieties, weve got your furry family members covered from nose to tail. some customers may receive kits with older packaging that still refers to 250+ breeds, rest assured that your test will be automatically upgrade...
  • Benefits of dna analysis: genetic testing can help you identify breeds & specific health issues that may be important to the wellbeing of your dog. work with your veterinarian & use your results to develop training, nutrition & long-term healthcare plans.
  • Dog dna health testing kit: our results feature an extensive genetic health screening for 150+ conditions, breed detection with a family tree going back three generations & extensive breed info, predicted weight profile & genetic trait analysis.
  • Discover more about your dog: dna analysis unlocks a brand new world of dna-based insights that may help you understand your dogs unique appearance, behaviors, and wellness needs.

4. Dna My Dog - Canine Breed Identification Test Kit - at-Home Cheek Swab

8.8/10 our score

  • An outline of the generic health concerns and personality traits for every breed found in your dog's genetic profile
  • Results in about two weeks from receipt of sample, perfect for animal shelters, veterinary offices and at-home use
  • Dna my dog can determine the breeds in your dog through a simple, at-home dna cheek swab. results include a report on all breeds found in your dog's dna by percentage, a custom certificate and report
  • Acquiring genetic breed knowledge about your dog will help you be more proactive about the wellness of your pet
  • Includes breed determination report and canine breed dna analysis certificate. lists breeds found by level percentage found in your dog's genetics.

5. Wisdom Panel Essential – Dog DNA Test for Ancestry, Traits, and Medical Complications

8.6/10 our score

  • Wisdom health offers state-of-the-art genetic service created by world-leading geneticists. wisdom health has tested more dogs than any other dog dna service: 1.7mm dogs and counting.
  • Learn about what makes your dog look the way they do: from coat color to face and body features. get a genetically-determined healthy weight range for your dog and partner with your veterinarian to develop a proactive lifelong care plan.
  • Tests for potential medical complications: learn if you dog is safe to undergo routine medical procedures. includes the mdr1 medication sensitivity test, for which wisdom health is the only licensed provider.
  • Accurate ancestry analysis for over 350 breeds, types and varieties, the worlds largest dog dna database and most comprehensive test on the market. report includes complete breed makeup and family tree going to back to your dogs great-grandparents
  • Easy and fast: collect your dogs dna with a simple cheek-swab. return sample in prepaid mailer. results typically provided in as little as two weeks.

6. Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel Dog DNA Test Kit - Canine Breed Identification

8.3/10 our score

  • With a simple cheek swab, you can uncover dna-based insights that may help you understand your dog's unique appearance, behaviors and wellness needs
  • You will be emailed an official ancestry report revealing your dog's a genetic background
  • Mdr1 testing, direct testing for the mutant mdr1 gene (multi drug sensitivity), results can assist in the prevention of serious adverse drug reactions
  • Breed insights to help you provide a better training program, understand behavior
  • Adult weight range prediction to help you make appropriate nutrition and diet choices

7. Dog DNA - Canine Breed Identification Test - Home Cheek Swab Kit

8.1/10 our score

  • Your dog's full breed composition
  • Unique personality traits of your dog
  • Predisposition to disease - genetic health concerns

8. Embark | Dog DNA Test | Breed Identification Kit

7.8/10 our score

  • Most accurate: in mixed breed dogs, embark can precisely detect breed contributions down to 5% of the total breed make. this makes embarks product more than twice as precise as other tests on the market that can only detect breed contributions of 12% or more.
  • Breed discovery: embark screens for over 350 dog breeds, types, and varieties. using a research-grade genotyping platform developed in partnership with cornell university college of veterinary medicine, embark offers the most accurate breed breakdown on the market.
  • Fast & easy: simple cheek swab. results generally available online in 1-3 weeks.
  • Discover your dogs relatives: find and connect with other dogs that share dna with yours. only embark will give you a percentage of shared dna between your dog and others that have been tested with embark. doggy dna relative finder included with purchase.
  • Upgrade anytime: solved your breed mystery but now want to know if your pup is at risk for 175+ genetic health conditions? upgrade your embark account at any time to get your dog's genetic health report no additional swabs or kits needed. upgrade equivalent to buying the embark breed + health kit.

9. 5Strands | Household Pet Food Ingredient Intolerance Test Kit | Dog & Cat

7.5/10 our score

  • You can use our testing results as a screening tool to make the necessary dietary and environmental lifestyle changes necessary to address your pets a reminder, 5strands affordable pet testing only tests for non-ige mediated reactions or intolerances. this type of reaction may have a delayed onset with symptoms appearing several hours or days after ingestio...
  • Is your pet constantly scratching, biting its paws or rubbing its face? does it suffer from more severe skin, breathing, or digestive issues? in order to alleviate his/her discomfort, it is first necessary to understand if the symptoms are due to a food intolerances. the 5strands affordable pet food intolerance testhelps you zero in on the key sensitivities your cat or...
  • Ige (immunoglobulin e) allergies, which are caused by the bodys immune system, are not tested for by 5strands affordable pet testing. these reactions occur within minutes of ingestion or exposure and are diagnosed through a blood test or skin prick test by veterinarians.
  • 5strands affordable pet testing scans your pets hair sample (10-15 strands) using bio resonance technology and provides an extensive, easy-to-understand report. you can expect to receive your pets test results within 7-10 days after the hair sample arrives at the processing center.

10. Hybrid Test -Wolf or Coyote Test Plus Canine DNA Breed Identification Test

7.2/10 our score

  • Canine-hybrid dna testing

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